Donations To Our Community

Helping your community should be a decision every business owner should make. But it doesn’t come as easy as one should think. We as business leaders often get too caught up in actual business operations and our own problems to give people the help they need. We at Engineering Drawing and Design have realized that most of our best clients, partners and relationships have come from us helping someone and the community.

Donation - Hoerskool Kempton Park

Die nuut opgegradeerde tennisbane van Hoërskool Kempton Park is vanaand amptelik in gebruik geneem. Die seremoniële lint knip is deur meneer Burger (hoof), meneer Anton Olivier (borg), Elzaan Bosch en Diaan Lategan waargeneem.

The upgrading of the Tennis Courts of Hoerskool Kempton Park was made official. The cut of the ribbon was done by Mr Burger (Principal), Mr Anton Olivier of Engineering Drawing and Desig (sponsor), Elzaan Bosch and Diaan Lategan.

We will help make our community look awesome & professional